Mutiara Di Barat

Social Media Package | Prepared by Afiq Omar

Make it stand out

Things we can do for you!

Professional Venue Photography

Content Creation Samples

Content Creation Samples

Sonic & Visual Branding (Sound On!)

✺ First Month Stats ✺


21 posts
641 new followers
Total views: 376k
Average views per post: 18k
Average likes per post - 1050
Average comments per post - 26
Average shares per post - 312


8 posts
320 new followers


437 enquiries as of 28th June 2024

2 Activations - Expo & Grand Relaunch

Grand Relaunch
>100 RSVP
>49 turn up

Total Sign Ups in 1 month
31 couples
Based on lowest package, revenue of >$775,000.

✺ Pricing ✺

Current Statistics

Instagram: 3 posts per week
Tiktok: 5-6 Posts per week

400+ Leads Generated in first month

Package 1

Social Media (Basic Package)

Instagram: 1 Post per week
Tiktok: 2 Posts per week

Production: 1-2 professional content shoot days per venue per month. Additional chargeable at $500 per content shoot day.

AdditionaReplying DMs and enquiries and collating to google sheets to handover to Anggun team for sales

Minimum of 18 months agreement


Package 2 (All In)

Social Media (Advanced)

Instagram: 3-4 Posts per week
Tiktok: 3-5 posts per week

Production: 2-3 professional content shoot days per venue per month, or as and when is required. Photo And Video.

Website (For 3rd funnel & social media conversion)

Website: Create, design & maintanence of website (Squarespace) (Platform subscription payment will be charged annually)

2. Usage of website to convert potential customers, gather data, collate enquiries and host schedulers for venue workflow.


1. Establishing complete online presence through SEO, search keywords on Google.

2. Creation of Google Business Account

3. Monthly report & analytics

Misc: Replying DMs and enquiries and collating to google sheets to handover to Anggun team for sales. Consultation for social media campaigns etc.

Minimum of 24 months agreement
June 2023 to June 2025
